Saturday 14 May 2016

Here's why...

Why would you want to think about turning your next home into a condo?   And....not just any condo...but this condo?  Why would you want to buy a condo that is not new?  But... previously lived in?  Several reasons really.

This condo at 112-235 Herold Terrace faces east, out to the garages and parking lot.  At first you say...wouldn't you want to be on the west side facing the lake and sunset?  Maybe,  but maybe you are somebody who doesn't like the hot glaring sun or glinting of sunlight.  If you are someone who goes for a little more diminished lighting, morning suns, and afternoon shade, this is far better for you.  If you need more sun and fresh air, you can go for a walk around the beautiful Trounce Pond.

Next, because the home faces the parking lot, you could have the free entertainment it provides, and whenever the urge hits you.  All you have do is  look outside anytime of the day or evening to see people coming and going.  No..., keeping dibs on the place, isn't expected, but you can if you want to and have nothing else to do! ;-). ..Reminds me of my grandparents' party could rubber (secretly listen in), and as naughty kids, we did so.  :-)   No, it's not being a busy body, or a voyeur, it's just part of learning life and growing up.   We soon got tired of it and moved onto something more exciting like gathering the eggs!  At first the parking lot will be a source of fun, but you too will have bigger and better things to occupy your time, just as we did.

Outside the condo, you can become one of the exercise buffs making their way around the pond's path.  You can make your walking, strolling, or running time solitary or filled with smiling and waving or stopping to chat with new friends and neighbours.  You get to say hello to kids and dogs that you will soon recognize, and to witness and soak up their vibrancy.  The wild life that lives within the "lake"/pond area, shrubs, and foliage is truly amazing.  A blue heron lived there at one time along with muskrats and rabbits to name a few. They all seem to own a section for themselves.  If your hobbies include photography or painting, this may be the place for you!  It's called "the lake", but is really a pond that doubles as a storm sewer...built that way on purpose.  It's built in such a way that excess water rushes through it and out through the mechanisms at the bottom. The City of Saskatoon keeps the whole area in immaculate, manicured condition.  Still want to be able to exercise and breathe the fresh air?  This place may be for you!

You have  the perfect view of your own single detached garage from any window in your unit. You are on the main floor at ground level which to me is the biggest plus.  You have a nice patio/deck to enjoy the morning sun while drinking a coffee.  On a hot summer's day,  the suites on the east parking lot side never get the unbearably hot temperatures like the west.  If you like plants, many flowers, fruits, vegetables, and herbs thrive in the moderate climate of partial shade.  Some years I was able to grow a colourful and glorious mini garden of greens, oranges, yellows, and reds..the begonias alone blossomed with the lushest of foliage away from the harsh, direct sun.  The patio flowers and veggies were a real conversation starter if I happened to be outside when gardening admirers walked by. Looking to make friends?  This place might be for you.  Don't want to give up your garden and chance to play in the dirt?  You still can, but only on a different scale.

A main floor unit is the best when it comes to returning home from a shopping trip.  You do not have to ride an elevator or climb stairs laden with bags, unless you want to.  Even though you have an intercom system, if you're watching closely, you can run down and meet your visitors at the door to let them in, instead of making them use the buzzer. Savvy visitors will text or phone ahead so you will be watching for them. That counts as exercise too, you know!  Did you notice your steps walked are increasing by moving into this condo home?  It's very healthy to move away from being sedentary, especially if you have an office job that involves too much sitting, or if you are retired and looking for something else to do with your time.

You can actually wash your own windows, inside and out which is another way to work off a few calories. Not like the windows on the upper floors of the building where you have to hire someone to clean them. I don't know a woman or man who doesn't like to have a good excuse after a long, cold winter to get outside, breathe the fresh air, and wash their windows!  I don't think it's because they are hooked on the smell of Windex!

The main floor has a common room with a blazing gas fireplace for a cold wintry day.  It has a treadmill for times when the weather won't co-operate and you still need some exercise.  Saskatchewan winters are notorious for this.  There is a small library, kitchen counter and cupboards, bathroom, and patio with gas BBQ to make it an inviting place to hang out....especially if you have your family or friends visiting.  There used to be at least one day a week where anyone who wanted could get together for a coffee party and special occasions have seen large pot luck meal gatherings.   Also on the main floor is a bank of mailboxes which doubles as a great place to say hi to your neighbours.  If you're currently living alone in a house or apartment and realize you're wiling away your days you might ward off some of the loneliness by living in this condo where there are all ages, genders, and manner of people.  These are the little things that might help you add to or build a new social life if that is your desire.

You would have a laundry room in your unit, along with storage.  You have a nice, large master bedroom with walk-in closet and 3 piece ensuite.  The main bathroom is a four piece and there is a good-sized second bedroom.  There is central air conditioning, central vacuum with fairly light-weight hose and high ceilings. The kitchen is heritage white with an island eating bar.  The walls are a freshly painted egg-shell finish, taupe in colour with off-white trim. 

The patio door has a roller screen to keep out the bugs and all the windows are dressed with venetian blinds.  The condo fees include city water and sewer, heating, and  year-round building and grounds maintenance. That's lawn mowing, tree and shrubbery grooming, garbage disposal, snow removal, sanding roadways and sidewalks.  Believe me, in a house, it will cost you ++$ in the summer for lawn mowing and at least that much for snow removal in the winter.  You won't have to worry about sprinkler blow outs, cleaning out eaves troughs, roofing repairs, replacing doors and windows, or painting the exterior.  Not to mention your property taxes will be considerably lower than a house. Check out the City of Saskatoon website if you want to know about property taxes.

If you like to travel, you don't have to worry, you can just lock the door and go.

This particular condo building is located in the heart of the Lakewood Suburban Centre.  It is only a short around-the-corner walk to a grocery store, gas station, pharmacy, restaurants, and bank, to name a few.  You are saving money on gas and vehicle wear and tear by walking plus you are increasing your footsteps...Maybe it's time to get that fitbit after all!

I loved living there, but moved across the city to be closer to my children and grand children.  For the right person or persons, I am convinced that you too could find happiness living there!

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