Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Saskatoon Exhibition Kick-Off Parade

Saskatoon Exhibition Parade

Thought I'd share the parade experience in our city on Tuesday.  I haven't seen it in a long while and went with my daughter and kids.  Unfortunately, the family pictures didn't turn out, except for the ones of my son's children and their Mom who were part of the parade!  We were so proud of them and they did well, walking the whole way.

These photos are taken with an iPhone, so please forgive me.....The man sitting next to me has a lovely set of knees and you will see alot of them (and his wife's).... :-)

Back end of the Police Rescue vehicle that lead the way...

First band in the line up...and the top of my grandson's head with the spider-man cap on it!

Busy camera man...

Ye olde firetruck...

Nice cars...

Very cool bike from way back when?

Lotsa horses...

Whitecap Dakota First Nation...

Horses and Buggy....

Could it be a member of parliament?  I think Don Morgan and his lovely wife.

See the big blast of fire Also very loud music that caused my baby grandson to cry his little head off! and nobody other than me, standing over top of him, could even hear!

See the building at the back?  Believe it or not, there was a man dangling from a rope apparatus washing windows...I wish I would have thought to get him in the picture....That fire breathing dragon was SUPER HOT and there's no doubt the window washer would have felt it.

My daughter-in-law, granddaughter, and grandson...still walking (we were on 3rd Ave. between 21st and 22nd Street and the parade started on Spadina Crescent and 24th Street.  A few blocks, but pretty long for little legs!

Royal Canadian Legion...

Pipe and Drum Band...I used to play drums in the Melfort Pipe and Drum Band!!  :-)

Lots of RCMP cars, but generally they were too fast for me to take a picture of .... remember, I was also holding the baby by now...   :-)......All the three little boys were absolutely mesmerized by the parade and behaved grandly!

This was a beautiful horse and rider....with clown alongside...

Fancy Arabian, (I think)...

Horses and carts...


Shriners can see the back of the bell lyra ... I used to play one of those in our Hudson Bay High School Band :-)

Walking to the music of "Who Let the Dogs Out?"

And the back of my other grandson's head and his Mario hat :-)

City Mayor and Chief ...

There were plenty more things in the parade such as firefighters, ambulance, Elks, John Deere tractor at the very end etc, far too numerous to capture...Overall, it was a great parade once again!  Congratulations to the organizers for all the hard work put into the event.  We certainly enjoyed it!

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