Tuesday, 5 June 2012


Friends....over a lifetime we all make a multitude of friends and acquaintances.  Some come into our lives and stay, but others are like the revolving door.  Some keep resurfacing, because just when you wonder if you'll ever see them again, there they are.  Some are there when you need them, some aren't. You are there for some and for others you aren't.  Some friends you might not have talked to in years, yet when you do reconnect it's like you've never been apart.  You know each other's every nuance, every smirk, every frown.  You and your friend both know when to talk, but also when to listen.  You and your friend have  been the shoulder to cry on the and the one who has done the crying.

The important thing about being a friend is that you care for the other person and you know they care about you.  You truly care about what happens to them and their family and likewise for them about you.  You feel this deep underlying sense of respect for the person and it is returned with full force.  Often a friend, at least from my point of view, is someone that you can learn from and vice versa.  I like to look at a friend and find one or more qualities that I can aspire to.  Some are excellent cooks, others awesome housekeepers or stupendous mothers or fathers.  Some are fabulous drivers, strong of character, wise in the ways of the world, smart with their money, brilliant with numbers, and role models in all sorts of ways. Some are fabulous dressers with fancy shoes, purses, jackets and outfits to die for.  Some have their houses decorated to the nines and it takes your breath away.  Just when you can't bear the look of anything around your house or any of the clothes in your closet, you get a boost by even a short visit with a friend.  Some friends are nothing like that, because their forte is personality, and their house may be lying in rack and ruin and their wardrobe is frumpy and made up of hand-me-downs or garage sale items.  These friends really give me inspiration.   I just want to rush home and clean my house and be happy with the clothes I've got.  I see that they've found great outfits even at bargain prices and it makes me love garage sales all the more!

Sometimes the shape  of a friend's body can serve as an inspiration to me.  If I'm feeling fat (trust me, I have NEVER felt too thin), I'm motivated by an overweight friend.  I'm also influenced directly by a friend that is svelte and sleek.  Whether the friend is overweight or has the figure of a model, each makes me want to do something better to improve my look.  I get a whole new lease on life to get back to exercising, eating right and trying to look a little more stylish.  Hairdos have the same effect.  If I'm growing my hair out (I have very fine, dirty blonde hair) I will realize I look like a scrag when I see a friend who is letting her's grow out if it makes her look unkempt.  Presto, it's off to the hairdresser for me.  If I see a friend with a chic new cut, it makes me want to improve my look too.  You see, friends can hold alot of power over our self image and we can do the same for them. 

If you have achieved something in your life that others can aspire to, that quality will be shining through.  That quality is something  I would like to see you bottle, metaphorically speaking, and share with others, especially me.  I, for one,  would dearly love for you to show me how you reached that certain lofty goal...like becoming that seamstress or quilter.  How did you learn how to build that lovely house or plant that exquisite garden?  Where did you get the ideas for all your award-winning parties and your flamboyant personality that everyone is drawn to?  Teach me, because I love to be enlightened, and I'm certainly not unique in this trait.  After all, I'm all about living in the light and shedding any form of darkness (except for sleeping and enjoying the end of the day).  I think most people are like this....always striving to find the good. 

Friends who have found their way in life may be envied by others, but their real friends only look at them and feel inspired.  Seeing your friend succeed in their career or build and maintain a profound and devout sense of spirituality and/or religion gives others strength...especially  friends.  Seeing young mothers caring devotedly for their children, while juggling everything else in life motivates everyone around them, but especially their friends and support groups.

They say we make very few 'true friends' in our lifetime, yet we have hundreds of acquaintances.  I find it harder to be the friend who reaches out and makes the call.  I may be thinking of the person, but get wound up in my own life.  Contrary to my behaviour, my true friends continue to call me, to come and visit and to make me feel like a worthwhile person.  I'm sorry to say that I take friendships for granted, yet they continue on, year after year, no questions asked.  The old adage, 'we can choose our friends, but we can't choose our relatives' was said tongue in cheek, but some of our best and truest friends may indeed be our relatives!

Who gets your brand of humour?  Likely your family and friends. Laughter is the best medicine and who better to do it with than friends, true friends, acquaintances, family and long lost relatives.   Even the guy at the grocery store, the taxi driver, or the man who knocks on your door can appreciate a friend.  Cherish all friends, both old and new... Make a friend.  Have a laugh and bring some joy and light into the world.

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