Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Attitudes, Thought Processes and Tastes Amongst Relatives

I went to the doctor today and found out that winter causes all kinds of things like body sluggishness and a little bit of weight gain (like I didn't know). It doesn't help that Christmas eating follows directly on the heels of Hallowe'en candy.  My blood sugar was too high over the past three months, and that's not good being a diabetic...but on the up side, my blood pressure reading was excellent!  I'm usually pretty good about doing the healthy thing, at least I preach that to others...after all, I am a nurse, but, it's obvious that  I need to get back exercising and counting carbs and everybody knows it..including me. 

Yet, true to form, when it comes to myself, I have this narrow little rebellious streak.  It might not last long, but it's definitely there.  When there is a hint that I might have to follow some sort of rule ... I tend to do the opposite just as a sort of "I'll show you!" Stupid reasoning, I know, but innate....I'm hardwired for it.   How I did this today was to go to Costco shopping after the dr's appointment and get a take-out order of chicken fingers and fries with gravy on the side.  It was far too many carbs and I knew it, but I took it home and enjoyed every last bite. Eating french fries smothered in ketchup and gravy takes me back to my teenaged days frequenting the Central Cafe in Hudson Bay. My friends and I used to walk there from the high school almost every single day for chips and gravy.  I distinctly remember being there with one or all including JoAnn Hamel, Linda Dickson, Doreen Flamand or Patsy Burke.  We ate all those carbs, fat and calories and mostly didn't gain a pound. Four and a half decades later, that just doesn't work for me anymore..

I have only ever had the chicken finger and fries from Costco once before while waiting for a prescription (I usually go for the hot dog). That time, the place was packed and I asked to share a table with a man and woman originally from the Philippines.  They were surprizingly up on world events and financial matters and dying to talk to me, just as much as I was loving to talk to them.  I have alot to learn at the best of times, and really enjoyed their visit. They were heading back home for Christmas so I wonder if I'll ever run into them again to get the rest of the story.

Anyhow, that attitude of mine that instantly gets my back up when somebody tries to boss me around or tell me what I should REALLY do is what I'm talking about.  Thinking later and laughing about what I had done today, it reminded me of one time when I was in first year university, like about 1973.  Yes, I AM that old.  

My Auntie Dianne came into Saskatoon for a weight loss conference.  First she took me shopping and bought me a brand new outfit.  I still remember it...a beautiful pale yellow blouse, with a yellow cashmere sweater with short sleeves that criss-crossed in front and tied in the back.  The pants were robin's egg blue bell bottoms all from Sears.  The thought makes me smile and feel warm all over, mostly because that style came, went and came back again.  Plus she treated me like a princess.  I guess she was trying to make up for the time when I was six and got into her LP collection...I don't think I wrecked anything but she was not impressed! 

When it came time to go to the weight conference, (I was going with her)...we walked past another function happening in the same building. It was a whole room full of people playing bingo..Suddenly, she asked if I wouldn't rather play bingo.  Would I?  Who wouldn't?  I said, "what about the meeting?  She just threw her head back and laughed. She had left her home in Yorkton and driven all the way to Saskatoon to attend an important conference for her health, yet, she didn't go....There was that same rebellious streak.

Another example is more like a thought process and not rebellious at all.  Most recently, I watched my little grandson Koen start opening his Christmas presents on Christmas morning amidst the chaos of the whole family opening theirs.  He opened one that he just loved and decided he needed to take it into the other room to play with it.  He's only three and didn't care one bit that he had about two dozen other things waiting to be opened. He didn't care about the Christmas traditions or what the protocol was.  He is too little to know anything about attitudes and everyone thought it was cute and funny.  However, right around the same time, we watched as my son (his uncle Warren), opened his gift of an outdoor thermometer.  Now, Warren is a full-grown adult, but he too, stopped everything to get a screwdriver and affix  his new thermometer to it's place on the outside wall of his cabin.  

It really was cute  to see such a blatant similarity.  The same kind of thought process ran through both their minds, probably because they share a large percentage of chromosomes.

My sister Lynda, my Mom Dorothy and I have been known to all buy the same cards.  My daughter, Carmen and my neices Jocelyn, Camille and Leslie have unknowingly purchased the same purse or item of clothing. We seem to share similiar tastes it would seem.

Uncanny, isn't it?

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