Saturday, 14 June 2014

Recurring Dreams

Hi all!

It's Saturday.  It's raining...and I feel like blogging...

Do any of you have recurring dreams?  I had another last night, the fourth that has run along a similiar vein in recent memory.  I used to live on a farm south of Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan in the community of Etomami. From the time I was 8 years old until I left home at 18, I lived there.  We started out living in the existing, old house, but built a brand new bungalow.

My recurring dream is always at that new house.  I am always there, usually inside that new house.  I either own it, am remodeling it, or am looking out the windows seeing so many different things.  Often, I realize, it has to do with the long evergreen tree-lined lane.  I'm watching out the picture window at some sort of stranger arriving...or driving right up.

The house is most often a refuge or safe haven from my all time fear - bears.  In the past I have dreamed all sorts of scenarios that involve bears, my children, parents, grandparents, brothers, sister, other relatives, friends and neighbours.  Alot of people I've known in my life have been around in some capacity in one or more of my dreams.

Generally I own the house (which I don't).  The farm was sold way back in the 1970's and the people still live there and have made all sorts of changes to the place.  It doesn't matter, there I am and they're not.

I thought I had reached a turning point about four dreams ago.  The reason was that my mom, brother, and daughter had arrived to stay in the dream, only to find the real owners there and not happy.  This was the very first dream that anyone was home.  They told us in no uncertain terms that we were to leave and find somewhere else to go.  We were talking about all the places we could go instead of there, but none of them worked.  Our recent age-old friend's home was a suggestion, but we all knew she wouldn't be there because she has passed away.  We even thought of going to a hotel in Hudson Bay.   I really thought when I awoke, that this might be one way my subconscious was letting go of the place....I was so excited about it, I even phoned a few people and said I thought this might change events.

I was obviously wrong.   Another dream had me in the kitchen and dining room with my mom and my granny (passed away in 1971).  Granny was mad about something....Dad was there too (standing along the sidelines), also passed away in 1992.  He was smiling and so was mom.

Recently, I watched a horror show (I never do this) had Liam Neeson in it, so I thought it would be good.  It was a little too true-to-life for my liking, but once I got watching, I was hooked you see and it was just before bed time.  It involved timber wolves....the mere mention of which makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up and goose bumps appear all over.  The old people in my life forever, such as the aunts and uncles and neighbours and grandparents always had a healthy fear and regard for timber wolves.  Every time the talk turned to these animals, they seemed to be growing bigger and healthier and their numbers increasing steadily.  They were to be shot on sight if they ever even came close to civilization.  I have known about them all my life, but because I only heard the lore about them, they always took a back seat to the bear...the grizzly being the worst....but grizzlies are not known to travel this far south.

So, back to my next dream.  There I was walking and carrying my baby daughter (who is now over 30), outside the house, on the road at the end of our long tree-lined lane...I had a brown paper bag full of groceries that dropped on the ground and had raw pork chops fall out.  I could see about four timber wolves racing towards us and I ran for all I was worth...(I can imagine what my arms and legs were doing in bed under the blankets at that moment).  They went for the pork chops I guess, because we got into the house safely.  Next, it was dark outside and as I looked out the picture window there were six of them staring in at me, growling.  Six sets of eyes were almost all that showed (just like the movie).  I was worried sick because I knew my mom was coming home from her Eastern Star meeting at midnight and would be caught unaware.  I knew I had to make sure the door to the porch was unlocked so she could get in quickly.  When I opened the house door, I saw that the porch door was uncloseable, standing ajar about a foot...the little lean-to porch had heaved with the weather and the thing wouldn't close.  I also realized the house door wasn't really a door but was just a black, heavy sleeping bag.  I frantically struggled to hang the sleeping bag corners on the two long nails at the top of the door and the agitation of it all I guess woke me up.

Last night, I dreamed that I awoke in my wonderful, fresh, cozy and clean bed.  Wherever I was, the air was cold and crisp on the west side of the house as the morning sun lit the sky rising in the east.  I suspected I was back in my new house on the farm at Hudson Bay, but wondered.  I got up to look out the bedroom window, and yes, it was the right place.  To my astonishment, there was a huge male lion standing on top of some straw bales behind the house.  He had a sleeping bag folded in a big square, strapped to his back.  I looked around and there were other straw bales and two lion cubs and their mother.  His family I could only guess.  Then I saw a little grouping of about six black and white cats.  I could scarcely believe my eyes.  

Next the doorbell rang and I looked out the window to see two young children, a boy and a girl of about seven...standing at the door to the porch.  They carried a box and asked if I had any groceries to spare.  They seemed to be starving and looked terribly sad.  I quickly pulled them into the house and no sooner did that than a friend of mine from P.A. showed up in her khaki safari outfit  (she travels to Africa on occasion)...She seemed to know the lions and said they were nothing to fear.  Another guy had backed his truck up to the door and said he had furniture to deliver for the new owner of this house.....whose name was Jerry Moore.....I have never heard of such a person, but the delivery man had a measuring tape and I was to help him move some of the furniture in.  It was only a half-ton truck, so not like a big moving van. The first item was a light weight set of blue and red bunk beds with no mattress, only these straw-colored rope-like things that looked like clothes line wire with plastic covering!    Then I woke up!

On examining these dreams, I think because I read that my animal is the lion, I wonder if perhaps they have taken over the yard to protect me from the timber wolves.  I guess I was staying at the house between owners??

These dreams are nothing if not interesting to me, yet getting more frequent and rather bizarre.  It would be wonderful to talk to someone who might know how to decipher them!